Top 10 Steps To Grow Your Email Subscribers From Scratch

Top 10 Steps To Grow Your Email Subscribers From Scratch

Top 10 Steps To Grow Your Email Subscribers From Scratch




Oct 3, 2023

Oct 3, 2023

Oct 3, 2023

Top 10 ways to grow your email subscribers from scratch

Hello, fellow email enthusiasts! If you are looking to expand your email list without resorting to shady tactics? Well, you've come to the right place! Today, we're going to dive into the wonderful world of organic email growth. 

These organic growth tactics will require effort from you but it’s totally worth it, as it ensures that your emails are being seen, read and appreciated by the right people that you write for. Nobody wants to write hours of quality content that nobody reads. 

So, get ready for 10 fantastic tips to help you skyrocket your subscriber count while keeping things authentic and fun. Let's get started!

  1. Create Engaging Content, Consistently:

Want to keep your subscribers glued to their inboxes? Create engaging, valuable, and relevant content that they can't wait to receive at specific intervals so that they know when to expect your genius. Kinda how you wait enthusiastically for a new episode of your favorite TV series; knowing when the episode will air gets you excited and ready for it but imagine not knowing when a new episode will get released, you will likely get bored and move on right? That’s how important consistency is to quality content. Share helpful tips, interesting stories, or industry insights. Be their go-to source of awesomeness!

  1. Optimize Your Sign-Up Forms: 

Your sign-up forms are like the gateway to your email kingdom. Make them easy to find, visually appealing, and mobile-friendly. Nobody likes filling out endless fields, so keep it short and sweet. Make sure to address what type of value subscribers will get and how often they will get it. 

  1. Craft Irresistible Call-to-Actions:

Forget about generic phrases like "Subscribe now." Those are boring. Instead, try something like "Get weekly writing tips" This CTA is more specific and enticing, so it is more likely to get people to click. Keep your CTAs short and sweet. People are more likely to click on a CTA if it's easy to read and understand. Try to use active voice to make your CTAs sound more urgent and exciting. Test different CTAs and see what works best for your audience. You could also try adding some friendly emoji’s too. It might just be the spice your CTA needs.

  1. Incentivize Subscriptions: 

Everyone loves a good deal, so why not sweeten the pot? Offer freebies, discounts, or exclusive access to your email subscribers. Give them a compelling reason to join your mailing list.

  1. Leverage Social Media: 

Use your social media platforms to drive traffic to your sign-up forms. Engage with your audience, tease them with sneak peeks of what's to come in your emails, and create a sense of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). Don’t be afraid of putting your work out there and even if you are, just do it anyway. Do it afraid. If nobody sees your content, how would they appreciate your creativity and become subscribers? 

  1. Create Engaging Lead Magnets: 

A lead magnet is a valuable piece of content that you offer in exchange for someone's email address. It could be an e-book, a checklist, a video tutorial, or anything that provides real value. The goal is to give people something so good that they're dying to give you their email address in return.  Be creative and think outside the box! 

  1. Engage in Cross-Promotion: 

Collaborate with other content creators or businesses that complement your niche. You can co-create content, offer joint promotions, or even cross-promote each other's email lists. This way, interested readers can easily hop on board your email train. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved!

  1. Run Contests and Giveaways: 

People love the thrill of winning free stuff! Organize contests or giveaways that require participants to subscribe to your email list to enter. It's a fun and exciting way to grow your subscriber base while spreading some joy. Just make sure the prizes are good enough to make them want to enter, and you'll be well on your way to building a bigger and better email list.

  1. Encourage Social Shares and Referrals: 

Encourage your existing subscribers to spread the love by including social sharing buttons in your emails. When they forward your content to their friends and colleagues, you'll gain new subscribers without even lifting a finger. Don't be shy to ask your existing subscribers to refer their friends and colleagues to join your email list. Offering a little incentive, like a discount or an additional freebie, can sweeten the deal. Plus, it's like building a friendly email army! Hooray for word-of-mouth marketing!

  1. Engage with Your Subscribers: 

Last but not least, engage with your subscribers on a personal level. Respond to their emails, ask for feedback, and show genuine interest in their thoughts and opinions. When people feel valued, they're more likely to stick around and spread the word about your amazing emails.

Remember, growing your email list organically takes time and effort. Be patient, stay consistent, and most importantly, have fun along the way. Building genuine connections with your subscribers is far more rewarding than any shortcut out there.

So, put these tips into action, keep that positive energy flowing, and watch your email list flourish. Happy subscriber hunting!

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Creatuuls connects advertisers to newsletter creators with highly engaged subscribers in their target niche. Creators can monetize their newsletter through ad placements.


16, Idowu Martins, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria


© 2023 Creatuuls Limited

About us

Creatuuls connects advertisers to newsletter creators with highly engaged subscribers in their target niche. Creators can monetize their newsletter through ad placements.


16, Idowu Martins, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria


© 2023 Creatuuls Limited

About us

Creatuuls connects advertisers to newsletter creators with highly engaged subscribers in their target niche. Creators can monetize their newsletter through ad placements.


16, Idowu Martins, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria


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