This is Why Every Creator Should Have a Newsletter

This is Why Every Creator Should Have a Newsletter

This is Why Every Creator Should Have a Newsletter




Nov 30, 2023

Nov 30, 2023

Nov 30, 2023

Why every creator should have a newsletter

We know that creators are constantly exploring diverse channels to share their passion and creations. Social media platforms, YouTube, and blogs often steal the spotlight, but there's one underrated gem that every creator should have in their toolkit – the newsletter. It's not just an old-school tool; it's a dynamic powerhouse with statistical backing and untapped earning potential.

Social media platforms, as engaging as they are, aren't ours. They're businesses with their own rules and goals. At any moment, the platform might decide your account doesn't align with their guidelines, leading to removal. Even worse, a platform could cease to exist, leaving creators with nothing. 

Zoom out: I know we all see those accounts on Instagram that say “Old account disabled at 100k followers” well, that’s exactly the problem with all these other channels. If this creator had a newsletter, they would still be able to reach their audience, tell them about losing their account and get all of them to follow them again very easily.

A Newsletter should not just be a backup plan; it's a creator's lifeline in times of uncertainty.

How effective are newsletters anyway?

Emails are not dead. There’s over 4 billion email subscribers in the world. Substack is thriving, Medium is thriving, every business has an email marketing strategy and it is the only digital channel that allows you to own your audience. Why should any creator not have an email strategy when this is a more long-term plan for building and sustaining an audience.

Newsletters are very effective for long term audience building. Unlike on Social media platforms with their algorithms, your subscribers will read and reward you for the work you put into bringing them value.

As a creator that wants to get paid, I dare say that this is a better platform to make money from brand sponsorships but many creators miss out on the negotiation power of email marketing. Businesses understand its impact, with 80% relying on it as a crucial part of their strategy. 

Let’s discuss some of the key reasons every creator should have a Newsletter

1. Direct Connection with Your Audience

Social media algorithms are unpredictable, and organic reach can be a rollercoaster. Here's where newsletters shine. According to recent data, the average email open rate across industries is around 20%, while the engagement on social media platforms hovers around a meager 5%. With a newsletter, you have a direct line to your audience's inbox, ensuring that your message gets noticed.

2. Building a Community

Statistics reveal that engagement on newsletters is not just about opens and clicks; it's about building a loyal community. A study found that subscribers to newsletters tend to feel more connected to the creator, creating a sense of exclusivity and personal connection. This community-building aspect is crucial for long-term success and sustained support.

3. Escape the Algorithm Trap

Ever felt frustrated by a sudden drop in your content's visibility on social media? Newsletters liberate you from the clutches of unpredictable algorithms. Your content reaches your audience directly, without the interference of an algorithm dictating who sees it and who doesn't.

With newsletters, creators have full control over their content, distribution, and monetization strategies, allowing them to build their own unique brand and cultivate a loyal following without the constraints of external platforms.

4. Monetizing Your Content

Now, let's talk about the money. While social media and other platforms have their monetization methods, newsletters offer a unique avenue for creators to earn. Data suggests that the average revenue per subscriber for newsletters is significantly higher than that for social media followers. Newsletters hold immense earning potential for creators and creators can explore a variety of monetization strategies, including sponsorships, premium content offerings, and merchandise sales. Newsletters offer a direct and transparent path to monetization, allowing creators to directly connect their content with revenue streams.

Writer Austin Kleon's newsletter, 'Austin Kleon Weekly,' has generated over $1 million in revenue through sponsorships and premium content. Similarly, photographer Chase Jarvis's newsletter, 'The Daily,' brings in over $6,000 per month through subscriptions and sponsorships. These examples demonstrate the remarkable earning potential of newsletters when wielded effectively.

5. Long-Term Relationship Building

A newsletter is not just a one-off interaction. It's a consistent, ongoing conversation with your audience. Research shows that engaged newsletter subscribers are more likely to convert into long-term fans and customers. This long-term relationship-building aspect is priceless in the fast-paced digital landscape.

6. Unleashing Creativity without Constraints

Newsletters provide a canvas free from the constraints of other platforms. You can experiment with content, share behind-the-scenes glimpses, and dive deep into topics without worrying about algorithms or character limits. This creative freedom fosters a unique bond with your audience.

7. Analytics for Continuous Improvement

Data-driven decisions are the backbone of success. Newsletters come with analytics that can guide your content strategy. Track open rates, click-through rates, and subscriber growth to refine your approach and deliver what your audience truly values.

8. It’s Fairly Easy to Start a Newsletter (all you need is to just write)

One of the most compelling reasons creators should jump on the newsletter bandwagon is its simplicity. Unlike other digital channels that might require some sort of setup like good camera, lighting, editing skills, etc, starting a newsletter is remarkably easy and cost-effective.

Platforms like Substack, Mailchimp, and ConvertKit offer user-friendly interfaces, allowing creators to set up and manage newsletters with minimal effort. In fact, compared to launching and maintaining a blog or managing a YouTube channel, newsletters demand considerably less time and resources

Monetizing Your Creativity: The Newsletter Advantage

Beyond mere communication, newsletters offer a substantial advantage in terms of monetization. Creators can monetize newsletters through various channels:

  • Subscription Models: Platforms like Substack have popularized the subscription model, where subscribers pay a monthly fee for premium content. This can become a consistent revenue stream for creators.

  • Affiliate Marketing: Including affiliate links in newsletters is a seamless way to earn commissions. As subscribers trust the creator's recommendations, this method often proves more effective than generic online advertising.

  • Brand sponsorships: Creators can partner with advertisers and brands to bring quality products and services to their audience and make money from these partnerships. While you can do this via other social media channels, newsletters allow you to charge uniquely - example: #5,000 per click on the newsletter; so with a high click through rate, you can make a whole lot of money and become a brand favourite to work with.

  • Product Sales: Creators can directly market and sell their products, merchandise, or digital creations through newsletters. The direct reach to subscribers enhances the chances of successful sales.

Newsletters VS other creative channels

Newsletters vs. Social Media:

Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok are great for building brand awareness and reaching a wide audience. However, they can be difficult to monetize directly. Newsletters, on the other hand, offer a more direct path to monetization through sponsorships, affiliate products, and premium subscriptions.

Newsletters vs. YouTube:

YouTube is a powerful platform for sharing video content with a global audience. However, it can be challenging to build a large subscriber base on YouTube. Newsletters, on the other hand, can be used to attract and nurture subscribers who are more likely to engage with your content.

Newsletters vs. Podcasts:

Podcasts are a great way to reach a niche audience with long-form content. However, they can be time-consuming to produce. Newsletters, on the other hand, can be a more efficient way to share your thoughts and ideas with your audience.

Leveraging Newsletters for Maximum Impact

To maximize the impact of your newsletter, follow these strategies:

  1. Know Your Audience: Understand the interests, needs, and pain points of your subscribers. Tailor your content to resonate with their specific preferences.

  2. Craft Compelling Content: Deliver high-quality, informative, and engaging content that provides value to your audience.

  3. Establish Consistency: Set a regular publishing schedule and stick to it. Consistency builds anticipation and trust among your subscribers.

  4. Optimize for Engagement: Use visuals, calls to action, and interactive elements to encourage engagement and keep your audience hooked.

  5. Measure and Analyze: Track key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates to identify areas for improvement.

In conclusion, the statistics don't lie – newsletters are a potent tool for creators. They offer a direct line to your audience, provide a platform for community building, and present untapped earning potential. As the digital landscape evolves, having a newsletter in your arsenal is not just an option; it's a strategic move to future-proof your creative endeavors. Newsletters are easy to start. Just write, don’t overthink it and build your own tribe.

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About us

Creatuuls connects advertisers to newsletter creators with highly engaged subscribers in their target niche. Creators can monetize their newsletter through ad placements.


16, Idowu Martins, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria


© 2023 Creatuuls Limited

About us

Creatuuls connects advertisers to newsletter creators with highly engaged subscribers in their target niche. Creators can monetize their newsletter through ad placements.


16, Idowu Martins, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria


© 2023 Creatuuls Limited

About us

Creatuuls connects advertisers to newsletter creators with highly engaged subscribers in their target niche. Creators can monetize their newsletter through ad placements.


16, Idowu Martins, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria


The Path to 2 Million+ Email Subscribers

We broke down how they grew from 300 email subscribers to 2 million subscribers + the growth tactics they used.

The Path to 2 Million+ Email Subscribers

We broke down how they grew from 300 email subscribers to 2 million subscribers + the growth tactics they used.

The Path to 2 Million+ Email Subscribers

We broke down how they grew from 300 email subscribers to 2 million subscribers + the growth tactics they used.